Get prepared to learn all the things you need to know about the inspirational French phrase "Passe à autre chose". It includes a complete explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added some useful informations like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonym and more!
Translation : Move on
Register : Informal - Inspirational
IPA : / pas a otʁə ʃoz /
The literal meaning is:
This is a sentence French people are using as an advice to someone for moving on to something else.
To be more precise, it's encouraging someone to forgive or stop thinking about a tough situation like a breakup, divorce, failure, etc. But you can also use it more casually after a misunderstanding to ask someone to forget about what just happened.
Scenario 1: your best friend went through a breakup and he/she is still suffering from it, you can advise him/her for example: "Passe à autre chose, c'est du passé" (Move on, it's the past)
Scenario 2: you made a funny mistake while talking. Everybody laughed, then the conversation moved to another topic. But someone is still making fun of it and it annoys you, you can use: "C'est bon, passe à autre chose, on a compris" (Ok we got it, move on).
In both scenarios, just using "passe à autre chose" without anything else is fine too.
Elle m'a quitté...
She dumped me...
Passe à autre chose, le meilleur est à venir.
Move on, the best is yet to come.
Oui, tu as raison !
Yes, you're right!
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