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On voyage pour changer non de lieu mais d'idées

Get ready to find out all the things you want to know about the inspirational French quote "On voyage pour changer, non de lieu, mais d'idées.". This include a complete definition of what it mean and how to use it in a dialogue with an audio example. Plus, we also added some useful informations like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English

  • Translation : We travel to change, not of place, but of ideas. — Hippolyte Taine, French critic and historian (1823-1898)

  • Register : Neutral - Inspirational

How to pronounce it



aesthetic french quote voyage pour changer non de lieu

Learn French
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Learn French with Audio Stories

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parallel texts with slow French audio

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Être parisien, ce n'est pas être né à Paris, c'est y renaître.


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Allez toujours trop loin, car c'est là que vous trouverez la vérité.