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Les plus belles émotions sont celles que tu ne sais pas (...)

On this page, we are going to explain you everything you ever wanted to know about the inspirational French quote "Les plus belles émotions sont celles que tu ne sais pas expliquer.". To be more precise, this includes a complete explanation of what it mean and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. But wait, we also added some useful informations like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : The most beautiful emotions are the ones you can't explain. — Charles Baudelaire, French poet

  • Register : Neutral - Inspirational

How to pronounce it



aesthetic french quote plus belles emotions inexplicables

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Learn French with Audio Stories

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parallel texts with slow French audio

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Pleure : les larmes sont les pétales du coeur.


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De temps en temps, il est bon d'arrêter notre quête du bonheur et d'être tout simplement heureux.