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Il n'y a pas de hasard il n'y a que des rendez-vous

Get ready to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the romantic quote "Il n'y a pas de hasard, il n'y a que des rendez-vous.". To be more precise, this includes a complete definition of what it mean and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But wait, we also added some useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English

  • Translation : There are no accidents, only encounters.​​ — Paul Éluard, French poet

  • Register : Neutral - Romantic

How to pronounce it?



aesthetic french quote pas de hasard que des rendez vous

Learn French
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Learn French with Audio Stories

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parallel texts with slow French audio

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L'amour est la poésie des sens.


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L'amour est une catastrophe magnifique : savoir que l'on fonce dans un mur et accélérer quand même.