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Elle avait des yeux où il faisait si bon vivre que je n'ai (...)

You are going to learn all the things you ever wanted to know about the romantic French quote "Elle avait des yeux où il faisait si bon vivre que je n'ai jamais su où aller depuis.". This include a full guide of what it mean and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added useful things like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

English translation

  • Translation : She had eyes in which it was so good to live that I haven't known where to go since. — Romain Gary, French writer

  • Register : Neutral - Romantic

Audio pronunciation



aesthetic french quote des yeux faisait bon vivre

Learn French
with Audio Stories

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Learn French with Audio Stories

Learn French the easy way with our French - English
parallel texts with slow French audio

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Je suis venu te voler cent millions de baisers.


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Je viens du ciel et les étoiles entre elles ne parlent que de toi.