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Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas

On this page, we are going to show you everything you need to know about the romantic French quote "Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.". To be more specific, it includes a complete explanation of what it mean and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example.Additionally, we also added some useful things like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of. — Blaise Pascal, French writer and physicist

  • Register : Neutral - Romantic

Pronunciation example



aesthetic french quote coeur ses raisons ignore

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L'amour est une catastrophe magnifique : savoir que l'on fonce dans un mur et accélérer quand même.


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Vivre sans aimer n'est pas proprement vivre.