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The French sentence "Quelles sont vos bonnes résolutions"

We are going to teach you everything you have to know about the basic French phrase "Quelles sont vos bonnes résolutions ?". To be more specific, it includes a full explanation of what it mean and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. As well as the cool informations we added like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : What are your new year's resolutions?

  • Register : Neutral - Basic - Christmas & New Year's Eve

How to pronounce?



  • IPA : / kɛl sɔ̃ vo bɔn ʁezɔlysjɔ̃ ? /

aesthetic french quote bonnes resolutions

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Example in a dialogue with audio


Quelles sont vos bonnes résolutions ?

What are your new year's resolutions?

Je vais courir tous les jours !

I will run everyday!

Faisons le ensemble !

Let's do it together!

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Que voulez-vous faire ?